Beware Of Debt Relief That Conceals Filing For Bankruptcy
The consequences of such drastic solutions are long lasting and very negative and thus, you should be extremely careful when selecting the agency providing debt relief.
This has become a common practice among some online debt relief providers that advertise what really are bankruptcy solutions as debt relief. And though bankruptcy eventually provides relief from most of your debt, the costs of filing for bankruptcy are vast. So, make sure you really want to go down that path because once you’ve taken it, there is no way back.
Easy Debt Elimination Process: For Them or For You?
A proper debt settlement program needs to last years. The agent has not only to negotiate your debt till its fully paid off or at least on the right track to being canceled, but it has also to do a follow up on your expenses and income and teach you how to budget and manage your money properly. All this process takes time and patience on both sides and requires commitment.
A bankruptcy process may be a simpler solution with an easy procedure for those used to filling those applications for third parties, but to the one who is actually filing for bankruptcy, it is an intricate procedure, costly, time consuming and emotionally weary. Thus, though it may be an easy debt elimination process as advertised by many agencies, it is only so for them and it won’t be so for you.
Side Costs Of Bankruptcy
The long term negative influence that bankruptcy has on your creditworthiness should make you think twice before deciding to file for bankruptcy. All the entries of importance regarding your bankruptcy will stay on your credit report for 10 years. This implies that whenever someone pulls your credit report, that information will show up reducing your chances of getting finance.
Moreover, it can also hinder your ability to obtain a particular job, insurance or to rent a property as it will scare those who pull your credit away. As you can see, the consequences of filing for bankruptcy are not all benign. Yes, you’ll obtain some ease on your finances and get rid of most of your debt, recover your income and stop harassment from debt collectors. You may even get your peace of mind again, but you should ponder the costs also as there are other ways to obtain all of those things.
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